Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 2

We're HERE!!!  As we traveled over the North Pole through the night, God kept reminding me of just how big this world is and how he is in control of every inch of it.  Nothing is hidden from his sight and it was all created by him and for his glory.  I am so humbled to serve such an awesome God.  It was amazing waking up in China this morning : )  God is so good!  It's been pretty smooth traveling so far and our group is incredible.  It really seemed more like a reunion than anything else, as we have had the last few weeks to get to know each other on FB.  So nice to meet face to face though, and so amazing how Christians can come together and love each other as brothers and sisters, right from the start.  One of the humanitarian suitcases was lost or misplaced at the airport last night.  These had supplies in them for the kids, so please pray that it turns up today before we travel on to Luoyang.  We're about to have breakfast, as it is 8 am on Sunday morning here, then team devotions, and it's onto the Great Wall.  Then we have a 2 hour flight and short bus ride to get us to Maria's Big House this evening!!!  Much love to you all and thank you for your continued prayers.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Can you get us one?

Yesterday at dinner, Nate prayed and mentioned his usual "God, thank you for this food, thank you for our house, thank you for our family, thank you for the orphans..."  At bedtime, I reminded him that mommy will be leaving soon for China and I asked him to keep praying for the orphans, worldwide and there at Maria's Big House.  He knows that mommy is going to love on some babies that don't have a mommy or daddy.  His next words were  "Can you get us one?"  I asked him "one what?" to make sure I understood what he meant.  Nate confirmed what I was assuming he meant and asked, "Can you get us an orphan?"  Cue the tears!!!  The only answer I could give was "No buddy, not this time, but let's pray about that (and I think you better go ask your daddy)"  Oh, Lord, please continue to break my heart for the fatherless and give me the faith of a child!  Thank you that your grace has redeemed us and not left us as orphans, but instead given us a HOPE and a future!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Covered in Prayer

It has been amazing to me how many people I have seen lately that have told me that they are praying for me and this upcoming trip....9 days away, to be exact!!!!  Yesterday, my dad asked me specificially how he could pray for me over the next few days and while I am gone.  Earlier this evening, all of the husbands from our small group "secretly" got together and visited everyone's house to pray for each of us wives as we start another year of homeschooling.  As we formed a small circle in our basement, each one also took the time to pray for my journey to China.  I have been praying this week that the Lord would prepare me for this trip "from the inside out".  What better way to prepare, than to pray?  So, as I pray, would you care to join me?

Here are some specific ways you can pray for me...

1. Pray (as David did, in Psalms) that "the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart" would be pleasing to the Lord.  I know that this trip is not about me at all.  It's about our amazing God and I want my thoughts, words and actions to be reflection of His glory.

2. Pray for the safety and health of everyone on our team.  There will be 16 of us traveling, 14 Show Hope sponsors and 2 staff members.  I am a little anxious about the long flight.  Pray for a calm spirit and peace.

3. Pray for the children and staff at Maria's Big House of Hope.  Pray that our team will be a blessing to them and shower them with the love and encouragement that they need.  Pray for the nannies as they love on the babies entrusted to their care. 

4. Pray that my eyes would be wide open and ready to SEE all that the Lord wants to teach me through this great adventure.

5. Pray for me as I still have many, many things to attend to before I leave next week.  Pray that I will not let these details be overwhelming.

Thank you, friends.  God is so good and faithful. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Paid in Full

This morning I sent off the final payment to cover the cost of my trip!  Everything has now been paid in full!!!  Praise God!  God perfects in accomplishing what seems impossible.  I certainly did not have $3700 tucked away to pay for this trip.  However, through fund-raising and the generous gifts of so many precious friends and family members, every penny was provided!  I am humbled and so grateful to each one of you for your support of me and the cause to care for orphans.  I was told by a friend recently that "God funds what He favors" and I am finding that to be very true.  To Him be the glory, forever and ever!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thank you, Emily!

I didn't want to write any further on this blog without thanking Mrs. Emily Richards, who is the reason for me beginning this blog in the first place.  So, thank you Emily for your urging and for your friendship.  I also believe that Emily is the reason, behind the reason, that God has put China and orphans on my heart in the first place!  You are a joy and an inspiration to me in so many ways.  I thank God every time I remember you in my prayers. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Preparing my heart

My heart is heavy tonight as I try to soak in all that God is preparing for me to experience.  I am continually amazed by the way that he orchestrates things in people's lives to accomplish his purposes.  We can see but a tiny glimpse of our life portrait, and yet he sees the picture in its fullness.  I often catch myself pleading with God to just "show me the whole picture" NOW!!!  In my mind, it would be alot easier if I just knew all the details up front.  However, God, in all of His wisdom, knows so much better than I do.  His only concern is that I swallow my pride, seek Him DAILY and follow in obedience to wherever He is leading me. Looking back over the past several years of my life, I can SEE God growing in me a heart for children and beyond that, a heart for children considered to be "the least of these".  My heart aches for children whose parents have given up on them or never cared at all.  They have never heard an encouraging word, felt a pat on the back, or heard the words "I love you".  God broke my heart and led me to a ranch in Montana, where Tom and I spent the first 5 years of our lives together serving and loving on such kids.

Then, God began to bless us with children of our own.  Oh, my!  What a journey it has been, and continues to be.  Through being a parent, the Lord has taught me so much about how He loves me, disciplines me, longs for first-time obedience from me,  forgives me, and wants me to just sit at his feet.  As my children are still learning, I am still learning, and will continue to learn throughout my lifetime here on this earth.  Jesus loves the little children....they are precious in his sight!

Over the past several years, God has placed on my radar screen another group of children that are so dear to his heart (and now mine).  Those who are without a family at all.  When I think of how blessed I was (and still am) by the family that I grew up in and how blessed my children are,  I am heartbroken by the children who long to have a family to call their own.  The numbers can be so overwhelming and yet God knows each one by name and provides hope through times of hopelessness.  How Great is our God!

It is here and now that I find myself only a few weeks from my journey to China to a miraculous place called Maria's Big House of Hope.  I don't know exactly what this trip holds for me, but I am listening, waiting, and resting in the promise that God is good and that His purpose will prevail.